Casino Floor Promotions: Looking For One? Check Out Super Prize Wheel…

casino floor promotions - super prize wheelReady for a whole new ‘spin’ on casino floor promotions? Check out the Super Prize Wheel by Odds On Promotions! Insurable up to $1,000,000, the Super Prize Wheel offers you two ways to play: Spin ‘Til You Win or Spin X of X! Simply qualify your players and give them the chance to spin the wheel and win a prize! Best of all, when a lucky player racks up a winning combination of symbols, Odds On will be there to write the check.

The Super Prize Wheel offers your choice of 20, 30, or 40 customizable black-lit prize panels, a crowd-pleasing 40″ LCD display, Tivoli LED lights, and a tidy 3ft (w) x 9ft(h) x 4ft(d) footprint.

Ready to take it for a spin?  Give Odds On Promotions a call today at 888-827-2249 for a free, no-obligation quote… or email us for more information!  Looking for more casino floor promotions?  Be sure to visit our website for more ideas.  We look forward to hearing from you and helping make your next casino floor promotion a huge success!