Looking for a Halloween promotion idea for your business? Drive traffic this October by giving your customers the chance to win spooktacular cash and prizes with Odds On’s $100,000 Guess How Much Game.
• You’ll create a giant display of candy corns – or any other preferred Halloween treat.
• Advertise the chance to win your giant prize for simply guessing the number of treats on display.
• Customers enter their guess into Odds On’s convenient handheld or tabletop verification unit.
• If a customer gets the count just right, they will win your grand prize and Odds On will write the check.

Looking for another Halloween promotion idea to scare up sales and drive traffic? Give us a call today at 888-827-2249, or shoot us an email for a complimentary brainstorming session to help ensure that your next promotion is a real “Graveyard Smash.”