PA Baseball Team Holds Hit for The Cycle Promotion With a Twist!

Looking to increase fan engagement and turnout at your next baseball game… or even for the entire season?  This Pennsylvania baseball team is doing exactly that, by holding a Hit for the Cycle promotion!

This isn’t any ordinary Hit for the Cycle promotion, however — not only is it going to be a season-long promotion, but one lucky fan from each home game during the promotional period will be selected at random to actually be able to choose a designated player to hit for the cycle!

That’s right: if the player the fan chooses scores a single, double, triple and homerun during the specified game, they’ll win $25,000… compliments of Odds On Promotions!

“Having the fan choose the player to hit for the cycle is a win-win situation”, explains Linda Thomson, Sports Promotion Specialist with Odds On.  “Not only does it make the fan feel especially included during the promotion, but it’s a cheaper solution if you’re on a budget!”

Want more baseball promotion ideas?  Request a copy of our Top 6 Baseball promotions PDF and then give us a call at 888-827-2249 for pricing on grand prize coverage and further information!