Casino Properties: Looking to Draft a Better Football Promotion?

Is your casino ready to draft a better football promotion? One that doesn’t require you to have a sports book, dozens of No. 2 pencils, an old-school scanner, or even any staff?

Check out Pro Football Challenge, an affordable and easy way to get players coming back every week all season long!

Players just swipe their club card, make their picks, and collect a receipt reflecting their picks for the week and their current standings.

What keeps them coming back? The chance to win up to $1,000,000, paid for by Odds On Promotions, for picking winning combinations of games during the regular season.

Best of all, Pro Football Challenge promotions start from as little as $400 per week! Ready to get in the game? Email or call us today at 888-827-2249 for more information and a free, no-obligation quote!