MI Broadcasting Co. Insures $50K Playlist Payoff Promotion

Attention: radio stations!  Looking to increase TSL and CUME while giving your loyal listeners the chance to win some major money?  Check out the Playlist Payoff promotion this broadcasting company in Michigan is running… and by all means, feel free to steal this idea for yourselves!

During the promotional period (in this case, one month), listeners will tune in and listen for a cue to call in every weekday and choose 3 songs from a list of 26.  If they can accurately pick the 3 songs that Odds On Promotions has preselected from the list, they’ll win great cash prizes thanks to Odds On’s grand prize coverage!

Here’s how it will work: On Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 3 lucky listeners each day will have the opportunity to make their guesses and win an instant $10,000 for guessing the correct songs, compliments of Odds On!

Surely you’re wondering what happened to Thursday… are we right?  Well, Thursdays will be an extra special day for listeners, as 2 listeners each will have the chance to do the same… only this time, for 5x the insured prize amount!  That’s right: Thursday’s listeners who call in have a chance to win $50,000 for selecting the correct 3 preselected songs!

Tip: Increasing the prize value of your on-air radio promotion(s) on a day where CUME and/or TSL are usually low is a great way to ensure that your listener-base increases!  Nothing incentivizes listeners like grand prize coverage — especially $50,000 worth!

Ready to run a similar promotion of your own?  Need more promotion ideas for your station?  Give Odds On a call today at 888-827-2249… or email us!  We’d love to help you out!