The Return of Supercoin…

Some of you might remember NBC affiliate KRBC based out of Abilene, Texas who insured the Supercoin promotion with Odds On last year.  Well, here’s some exciting news: for the second time in a row, an airplane maintenance company based out of the Southwest will be insuring the same promotion… again!

During a local Chamber of Commerce business gathering, 10 attendees will participate in a pre-qualifier.  The winner of the pre-qualifier will then be given a chance to bounce a coin off of a table from 15 feet away into a water jug.  If the contestant is able to successfully do so within 30 seconds, then they’ll be the winner of a brand new Cessna Skycatcher single-engine airplane, valued at $150,000!

Still not impressed?  What if we told you that Odds On Promotions is able to insure any sort of skills-based contest or promotion?  Whether you’re looking to insure a giant prize cornhole promotion or even a tortilla toss contest, Odds On has you covered!  We’ll insure anything with a risk associated to the contest/promotion, so think of all of the possibilities and give us a call at 888-827-2249 once you’ve thought of a promotion that will best suit your business or organization.  You can also email us for a free, no-obligation quote!