Horseshoe Toss Promotion Insured by Payment Solutions Company

horseshoe toss promotionReady to increase those fundraising dollars and get everyone totally amped up to “pitch” in with donations… all by insuring a contest with Odds On Promotions?  One of my clients, a payment solutions company based in Texas, ended up insuring a horseshoe toss promotion at an annual ‘shindig’ at a local country club.

On the date of the event, each attendee pitched in money to have their name put into a raffle.  Whomever’s name was drawn would be the contestant chosen to pitch a ringer for a chance to win an instant $10,000… paid for by Odds On!

I really enjoyed helping insure this promotion due to the fact that it assisted with fundraising for a variety of local charities, including the community’s local 4-H Organization, which helps fund youth development programs.  Furthermore, while there was no $10,000 grand prize winner, the client still gave away a spectacular self-insured prize: an all-inclusive 2014 Kentucky Derby® vacation package for next year’s big races!  Talk about a company who knows how to put on one heck of a fundraiser!

Insuring a horseshoe toss promotion is not only cost-efficient and simple to facilitate, but the contest itself can be held at any time, anywhere — which gives you the freedom to have the horseshoe toss promotion wherever you please!  Odds On will simply supply you with all the necessities to offer an insured grand prize for the individual who [hopefully] happens to make that ringer!

If you need more fundraising ideas for non-profit organizations, please give Odds On a call today at 888-827-2249 for a free, no-obligation quote… or email us for a free copy of our Top 10 Fundraising Contests & Promotions PDF!  We’ll do whatever we possibly can to help make your next fundraising event a complete success!