Lucky List Promotion Insured at 2 Supply Company Locations

Looking for a way to increase traffic and reward customers for shopping at your location?  Need a creative way to drive additional traffic in order to move excess inventory? How about running a Lucky List promotion?

Increase Traffic & Reward Customers with a Lucky List Promotion

Here’s how the promotion worked: During the month-long promotional period, each supply company location insured their own Lucky List promotion where customers would have a chance to put 9 Christmas gifts in a specific numerical order.  Each customer who entered the store was given a list of the 9 Christmas gifts and had the opportunity put them in the order of the choice.

Once all of the “Lucky Lists” were completed, the supply company randomly selected a few lists and submitted them to Odds On’s to see any of the lists matched a predetermined numberical order. If so, that individual would have won all of the gifts on the list, totalling $50,000… paid for by Odds On Promotions!

Odds On's Handeld Veriication Unit for Lucky ListWant to give your customers the satisfaction of knowing whether or not they’re an immediate winner?  Rather than using submitted entries, you can place Odds On’s handheld verification unit inside your store!  Customers can then input the numerical order, and if they’re a winner, the handheld unit will notify them on the spot!

If you’re interested in insuring a Lucky List promotion, or any of the other various retail promotions we have to offer, then give us a call today at 888-827-2249 for a free, no-obligation quote.  You can also email us!