Trap Shooting Contest: When Bullets and Baseball Collide

trap shooting contestNow here’s a fun trap shooting contest that’s sure to grab your attention.  We’re sure you’re wondering: What do trap shooting and baseball have to do with each other?  Read on as we explain what this particular Southeast shooting organization did to help fundraise… and how they incorporated both sports into the promotion!

On March 31st, a group of baseball legends and avid shooters got together to do a little trap shooting and raise some dough.  Participants, excluding the legends, got the chance to win big in a contest in which 50/50 trap targets had to be broken.  Those who managed to shoot all 50 were then entered into a raffle and 4 of those qualifiers were chosen at random to participate in an very unusual baseball target throw promotion!

What made this target toss unusual?  Well, it wasn’s just ANY target … the qualifying contestants had to throw a baseball at a moving clay target and have the ball break through it. The reward for making this innovative shot? A brand new Harley-Davidson motorcycle valued at $12,000.

Makes you think, doesn’t it?  What other sports can be paired up to produce an entertaining promotion?  Football + golf = pass, punt & chip!  Basketball + bowling = court bowling promotion!  Golf + olive = olive in one!

Have any other ideas?  Give us a call at 888-827-2249 and we’ll provide you with a free, no-obligation quote on your trap shooting contest or any other promotion idea!  You can also email us!